"MGMT 301 Principles of Management" by R. E. Kelley

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 1987


Course syllabus for MGMT 301 Principles of Management

Course description: Introduces the student to the "schools of management" classical, behavioral, and management science. Reviews the fundamental functions of management. Considers both the impact of organizations upon participants and the impact of participant workers upon management. Provides an opportunity to apply the problem solving method to a limited number of actual business problems given in text. Closes with some projections for the future.


Additional files include two versions of the MGMT 301 Fall 1987 syllabus.

mgmt301_1987_fa_kell.pdf (331 kB)
MGMT 301 Fall 1987 (1)

mgmt301_1987_fa_kell2.pdf (347 kB)
MGMT 301 Fall 1987 (2)
