GSU Views: Bill Dodd
Copyright Statement
Copyright 1984, Governors State University. Permission granted for performance in whole or in part for individual and non-profit educational purposes only. Please contact us at opus@govst.edu for additional rights and permissions.
Production Date
GSU Anniversaries and Historical Documents
30 Minutes
Identification Number
Reel label 85UR4003, box number 73304
Original Format
Reel to Reel
Program Description
Dr. Leo Goodman-Malamuth II interviews Mr. Bill Dodd, Executive Director of University Advancement, Governors State University regarding the early history of the Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park up until late 1984.
GSU Views, The Nate, Nathan Manilow Sculpture Park, Park Forest South, The sculptor the campus the prairie
Recommended Citation
Goodman-Malamuth II, Leo, "GSU Views: Bill Dodd" (1984). Video Gallery. 2.
"GSU Views" was a talk show hosted by Dr. Leo Goodman-Malamuth II, during his years as University President. During the half-hour interviews, the president and his guests discuss a wide variety of topics "which we believe will be of considerable interest to a non-academic audience," according to Dr. Goodman-Malamuth II. The 30-minute program was carried on Cable-TV in the southern suburbs by Cox Cable Park Forest, Joyce Cable-Joliet, Metrovision in the Palos Hills area and by Cablenet, Channel 21, serving several northwest suburbs. This show reached approximately 75,000 homes in metropolitan Chicago.
GSU Views was produced to professional standards in the TV studios of the ICC (Instructional Communications Center) department of the university. Professor Tony Labriola was the director. The technical crews consisted of both faculty with professional experience and students in media communications. The show made its debut in October 1982 and ran until 1989. According to an August 20, 1992 Innovator (student newspaper) article, Dr. Goodman-Malamuth hosted over 125 shows. The programs were offered without charge to local cable companies as a public service of the university.