Flashback Fridays: GSU and It's Communities Part I - Engagement in the Region
Copyright Statement
Copyright 2019, Governors State University. Permission granted for performance in whole or in part for individual and non-profit educational purposes only. Please contact us at opus@govst.edu for additional rights and permissions.
Production Date
GSU Anniversaries and Historical Documents
1 hour 11 minutes
Program Description
Presented by Professor Emeritus Dr. Larry McClellan. Welcome remarks by Dr. Laura Mannion, Director of Advancement. In this program, Governors State University's commitment to engagement with the south metropolitan region of Chicago is reviewed, Among the topics discussed are a description of the GSU region including early maps and demographic descriptions. a history of the University's Regional Leadership Center, Co-operative Education initiatives, Internships, and other academic connections to the region.
This program was held in Engbretson Hall, on the Governors State University Campus.
South Metropolitan Regional Leadership Center, Cooperative Education, Community Advisory Councils, Academic Service, Community Service, Park Forest South, University Park
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
50th Anniversary Committee, "Flashback Fridays: GSU and It's Communities Part I - Engagement in the Region" (2019). Video Gallery. 40.