"Online Career Center" by Yaser Adnan Fnu

Online Career Center

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Online Career Center is a website for finding jobs and assisting companies to recruit skilled candidates. By using this website job seekers can search jobs according to their requirements and companies also can find talent at the same time. Through this website job seekers can search and apply to a company for a job and can also select location and learn about the job and company’s profile in detail.

Online Career Center has a feature to give the job alerts and notifications to the job seekers which they saved earlier in their profile. Job seekers can explore jobs and salary package and get an option to verify the average salary of the job in the market. This website handles database which has large amount of the data of the companies and jobseekers’ profiles.

Online Career Center connects job seekers and recruiters. Through our website job seekers can explore about present job trends for getting opportunities.

Software / Hardware Requirement:

  • Operating System: Windows 7 and latest versions of Linux
  • User Interface: HTML, CSS (bootstrap)
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2019
  • Client-side Scripting: C #, ASP.NET framework
  • Database: MS SQL Server
  • Processor: Standard processor with a speed of 1.8 GHZ or more
  • RAM: 256MB RAM or more
  • Hard Disk: 20GB or more


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