"Administrative Outlook: Innovative Thinking to Enhance Parental Involv" by Shonda F. DeVasher-Williams

Administrative Outlook: Innovative Thinking to Enhance Parental Involvement

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts


Communication and Training


Effective communication can create a foundation for open-minded future interactions between family systems, society, and school personnel. Administrators' are encouraged in workshops, WebEx, and summits to embrace challenges teachers, students, and families encounter within their buildings, classrooms, homes, and beyond to produce powerful outcomes as they inspire and create confidence through collaboration. According to Galvin, Braithwaite, Schrodt, & Bylund (2019), administrator's resources derive power as educators and families interact. For instance, administrators have the ability to provide support to educators which can result in respect and increased communication between both parties. Although district leaders provide relevant opportunities for parents to increase involvement, participation continues to be minimal as reported by educators on conference and meeting logs. Conflict avoidance is inevitable; utilizing healthy communication strategies can create compromise for understanding and a healthier working environment. (Galvin et al., 2019). Through collaborative efforts and communication, district leaders can work closely with parents to provide critical support to deliver effective solutions parents must maintain to ensure the success of their children.

This project will instruct administrators on how to work with staff to encourage creativity while producing comfort levels with new changes instead of withdrawal. Flattery, conformity, and self-promotion demonstrate reactions towards influential strategies as it relates to a person's mood (Matovic & Forgas, 2018). Matovic and Forgas (2018) suggests adverse temperament improved recipients' acceptance of realistic ingratiation. Based on recent affect-cognition theories, Matovic and Forgas' (2018) observation of moderate level negativity while engaging with others, showed an increase in the communicators' use of ingratiatory tactics. Ingratiatory messages expressed while under coercion are more effective and result in more encouraging interpersonal evaluations (Matovic & Forgas, 2018). The following reviews these concepts and others related to created successful organizational environments.


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