"Fund Raiser" by Amruthraj Kukka

Fund Raiser

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


As the technology is growing, people are making use of it in different ways for the betterment of society and individuals. Fundraiser is a web application where users can publish any sort of campaign or any event information so that they can raise the fund for the sake of individuals or for the societal issue. With the help of the web application, features should be provided to the end users to make use of it in publishing the events and in raising the funds.

This application will be having 3 different types of users who will be using this application in different ways. These 3 users are Donor, fund raiser and Administrator. Donor is any person who can view different events that are present in the web application and he can see every detail of that event. If he is interested in donating to that event, then donor should have the features to donate to that event. He can even view the details of his donations, date, and time of the payment etc. To become as a donor, he needs to register and sign up with the application and the for the authentication purpose, he need to login into the application to do the operations. Next user will be fund raiser. If any of the user needs any fund for the individual or for any social cause, then they can register into this application and after entering this application, they will be having the facility to post the information related to the new event and ask the users to donate the amount based on the details provided. In this way, people can make use of the technology for its betterment and to satisfy the needs of the people. Another user is administrator, who will be maintaining the whole web application. He will be managing all the users accounts, he will be tracking all the events/Campaign information, delete events, modifications, updates. This project will be developed in .Net technology and the database is SQL server management studio.

To develop this application, we have implemented technologies like, asp.net framework 4.5, sql server management studio 2014 as backend, html, css, bootstrap, javascript, jquery as frontend.


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