"Better Reviews" by Akhil Reddy Kovvuri

Better Reviews

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Better Reviews is a user-based online website which provides reviews about the local businesses. This website has two types of users – Reviewers and Business Owners. The reviewers can view the reviews of the local businesses and give their own review. This data will be useful for the other users to choose services or products among the local businesses.

The business owners can access their business panel which will allow them to edit the information about their service, access the reviews and interact with the customers in the reviews.

Alongside the reviewers and business owners, we got Admin module. Admin has total control over the web application. Using the Contact Us form, one can contact admin easily. Apart from this, there is another panel called events which is helpful to know about the local events.


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