"Better Reviews" by Sai Likhith Konduru

Better Reviews

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


This is a documentary paper on the "Better Review" PHP project. This project contains a local directory guide for the general users who can get registered to the website and write or check reviews and ratings for any particular business, shop, dine, and professionals. The admin can control the whole process to provide authenticity and reliance.

The business owners can also promote their business through this website and get public search as public get to know about new business in the featured service option on the website. Business users can send promotional offers to the users that posted their reviews in their business page.

Users will be receiving notifications whenever a new user registers, when the user wants to upgrade from general account to a business account, when their business account is posted in featured services etc. The data is stored through MySQL and the front end is implemented through Bootstrap, HTML5, jQuery, and core JS. In our project we use XAMPP control panel to connect with Apache Server, PHP and MYSQL.

In this documentary presentation, we discuss about the website in detail and explain its workflows and several issues. We also explain the architecture design, internal and external risk analysis, functional area, etc. The document contains other possible issuers that are recovered to complete the project successfully and implement the website for users to know information and recommendations about local business though one search.


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