"Better Reviews" by Srinivas Kommalapati

Better Reviews

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Most of the organizations want to know the feedback of the services that are provided by them. If they take them personally, then they may not get exact feedback, that is the reason people are going for the third parties to get the reviews on their services or products. In this way, this application will be providing the information to the others about the services of an organization.

While writing a review about an organization, customers will be having the right to express their views on the organization either they are good or bad. These reviews help the customers in taking the decision either to visit that organization or not. When the reviews are made, there will be the positive and negative reviews will be there. Positive reviews help the organization to increase the customer base and based on the negative review’s organization will be having the chance to improve their services by taking necessary actions.

As this is a new application and allows the business organization to register with the application and every organization will be having their own dash board. After logging into the application, they will be viewing the reviews which they got, they can even communicate the customer directly from the application to know the details of the service. Organization will have the facility to post the information related to the services they offer, cost of their services or products etc. All such information helps the customer in making a decision to get the service or not. Admin is one of the users of application who will be managing all the users like reviewer, business owner and the reviews. Implementation of this application is started from First week of September and it should complete by the end of November’2020.


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