"Fund Raiser" by Akheel Khan

Fund Raiser

Publication Date


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


Technology is utilized in different ways like automating the current business operations, implementing them in improving the comforts of the people, to improve the social standards and also to solve the social issues. Coming to the current project, it is a web application where people can use this application for raising the funds to support individuals and also to support the society. There are so many people are there who are good at heart and interested in making donations, but they need to know who are need and what are their needs. For solving such issues, a new idea will be implemented which is known as fund raiser.

Functional requirements of this application is to publish the information about the campaign which they are doing, what is the reason and need of that campaign etc. This information will be published on the web and it will be reached to any one on the globe. People who want to make the donations can go through with the web application and they can view and search different campaigns which are organized by using the web site. Based on the available information on the website, donors can make the decision to donate. This information will be stored in the web application and the donors can view their information at any point of time. User and the donor will be having separate dash boards with their functionalities that can be done. By using the tools provided to their login’s they can do the operations provided in the application. Administrator is another role who will be maintaining the privacy and security of the data by implementing authentication and authorization. He will be maintaining all the user accounts, all the profiles are managed, operations like modifications and deletions are done by him.

By using this application, many of the people will be getting the funds in solving their issues or they can make use of these funds for improving their standard of living. We personally feel that this is one of the opportunities for us to implement the technical skills and to learn all the development related activities. Project will be developed by using the .Net technology and the database used is SQL server management studio.


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