"Career Seekers" by Abeer Arif

Career Seekers

Publication Date

Fall 2022

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science

First Advisor

Dr. Dae Wook Kim

Second Advisor

Xin Chen

Third Advisor

Yunchuan Liu


This project aims to build 'Career Seeker', an online Job search web application that serves job seekers and recruiters to fulfill their job search criteria according to their professional needs, goals, and values. This application will be a user-friendly, robust and effective web application where registered Job seekers can view and filter job postings, apply for one or multiple job positions, or review a company as a current or past employee. In addition, registered employers or corporates can publish job openings, contact applicants, review applications received or schedule and conduct interviews to streamline the hiring process. 'Career Seeker' makes the job search efficient and convenient.

It benefits recruiters and headhunters by providing a new and unique source of the talent search. Career engine also helps job seekers by providing a primary database source with recent vacancies. In conclusion, we can state that Career Engine acts as a bridge of communication between Recruiters and applicants, allowing them to access the application's database. With Career Seeker and its built-in unique features, well-established organizations or relatively unknown start-ups can also post their openings, resulting in a candidate's access to jobs in locations and regions he might otherwise not have considered.


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