"Rent-A-Car" by Kavya Annavarapu

Publication Date

Fall 2022

Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


In the current world, people are always seeking to decrease their workload by utilizing technology. They are all Travelling to get away from their worries. Using our application, we decreased the difficulty of car rental in our rent-a-car operation. The car owner posts information about the vehicle and how people can travel in it. Car owners oversee car availability. Renters can select the car they want to rent based on their preferences. The renter can see the model of the car and how much space it has. If a renter wants to book a car, they fill out a form and pay the car owner. We gave the option, renters and car owners should communicate with one another. After the trip, the renter can evaluate the vehicle.

Our team members wish to construct the application utilizing the Model, View, Controller (MVC) framework in .Net core for the backend and HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, And JavaScript for the front end, with data saved in MS-SQL Server. Renter, Vehicle Owner, and Administrators use the rent-a-car system. Vehicle owners can post photographs of their vehicles along with vehicle information. Renters can reserve the car they require. The administrator is in management of the entire application.
