Substance Abuse Counseling, 5th Edition
This book provides you with a sound, practical overview of substance abuse counseling. SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING, Fifth Edition, is at the cutting edge of the addiction field, combining a focus on the most current empirical studies with a firm belief that clients must be treated with a collaborative and respectful approach. These core values lay the basis for individualized treatment planning, attention to the client's social environment, a multicultural perspective, and a recognition that client advocacy is part of the counselor's role. The authors believe strongly that clients differ not only in the specific behaviors and consequences associated with their drug use but also in culture, gender, social environments, physical concerns, mental health, and a host of other variables. Using an integrated approach, they describe innovative methods for meeting clients' needs through personalized assessment, treatment planning, and behavior change strategies, showing you how to select the most effective treatment modalities for each client. This edition features a stronger emphasis on motivational interviewing, expanded material on ethical considerations, coverage of cultural and diversity considerations in every chapter, and digital downloads of key forms that appear throughout the text.
Publication Date
Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning
Belmont, CA
Counseling Psychology | Substance Abuse and Addiction
Recommended Citation
Lewis, Judith A.; Dana, Robert Q.; and Blevins, Gregory A., "Substance Abuse Counseling, 5th Edition" (2015). Faculty Bookshelf. 12.
Judith A. Lewis (Ph.D., University of Michigan) retired in 2008 from Governors State University, where she served as Professor and Chair of Addictions Studies and Behavioral Health. A licensed psychologist in Illinois, she is a past president of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors. She is co-author of MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN SERVICE PROGRAMS, Fifth Edition; COMMUNITY COUNSELING: EMPOWERMENT STRATEGIES FOR A DIVERSE SOCIETY, Third Edition; and SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNSELING, Fifth Edition (all Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning).