"Never Be Lonely Again: The Way Out of Emptiness, Isolation, and a Life" by Pat Love and Jon Carlson
Never Be Lonely Again: The Way Out of Emptiness, Isolation, and a Life Unfulfilled

Never Be Lonely Again: The Way Out of Emptiness, Isolation, and a Life Unfulfilled



n our fast-paced world of longer working hours and quick distractions, it's difficult to develop and maintain relationships that soothe the soul. Even as relationship and behavioral experts, both Pat Love and Jon Carlson each found themselves battling the plague of loneliness. It was only after a momentous meeting with the Dalai Lama that Love and Carlson began to develop an effective approach that would recalibrate the way they understood relationships. Now with Never Lonely Again, readers will learn how to find the necessary time to maintain friendships, be truly present for a partner, and reach out to people when in need. - See more at: http://www.hcibooks.com/p-4100-never-be-lonely-again.aspx#sthash.CrR00ohT.dpuf



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Health Communications, Inc.


Deerfield Beach, Florida


Workbook, Self Help, Popular Psychology


Personality and Social Contexts | Psychology


Dr. Pat Love (TX) is a distinguished professor, author, trainer and long-standing licensed clinician. For thirty years, she has contributed to counselor education and personal development through her books, articles, training programs, speaking and media appearances. Dr. Love has published several professional articles, been featured in several professional books and developed relationship education media and materials being used nationally and internationally. Her ever-popular books Hot Monogamy and The Truth About Love have literally taken her around the world spreading the good news about family and relationships. Her latest book, How to Improve Your Relationship Without Talking About It has been translated into 12 languages. Dr. Love is in demand as an expert presenter at national and international conferences. She has appeared numerous times on Oprah, The Today Show and CNN, and is a regular contributor to popular magazines, including Psychology Today. Pat has cohosted three DVD training programs: Living Love, Parenting with the Experts, and Love: Everything You Need to Know—which is currently available on PBS. Visit the author's website: www.patlove.com. com. Jon Carlson, PsyD, EdD, ABPP (Wisconsin) is Distinguished Professor, Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University and a psychologist at the Wellness Clinic in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Jon has served as editor of several periodicals including the Journal of Individual Psychology and The Family Journal. He holds Diplomates in both Family Psychology and Adlerian Psychology. He has authored 150 journal articles and 50 books including Time for a Better Marriage, Adlerian Therapy, Inclusive Cultural Empathy, The Mummy at the Dining Room Table, Bad Therapy, The Client Who Changed Me, Their Finest Hour, Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy, and Moved by the Spirit. He has created over 250 professional trade video and DVD's with leading professional therapists and educators. In 2004 the American Counseling Association named him a "Living Legend." In 2009 the Division of Psychotherapy of the American Psychological Association named him "Distinguished Psychologist" for his life contribution to psychotherapy. He has received similar awards from four other professional organizations. Recently he syndicated an advice cartoon "On The Edge" with cartoonist Joe Martin.

Never Be Lonely Again: The Way Out of Emptiness, Isolation, and a Life Unfulfilled
