"Consultation: Creating School-Based Interventions, 3rd Edition" by Don Dinkmeyer Jr. and Jon Carlson
Consultation: Creating School-Based Interventions, 3rd Edition

Consultation: Creating School-Based Interventions, 3rd Edition



Grounded in Adlerian Psychology, the methods presented by Don Dinkmeyer, Jr. and Jon Carlson in Consultation are based upon the assumption that problems in the home and the classroom result not only from the direct actions of disruptive students, but also from the expectations of teachers and parents. This text shows how counselors can encourage change in these supposed 'problem' children by helping authority figures recognize and alter the part they may be playing in exacerbating the negative actions of the student. Also included is a supplementary DVD depicting actual individual and group interviews with teachers and parents.



Publication Date





New York


School Counseling, Adler


Counseling | Counseling Psychology


Don Dinkmeyer, Jr., Ph.D., is a Professor of Counseling and Student Affairs in the Graduate College of Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. He has been a school counselor, mental health counselor, and has trained helping professionals across North America for 25 years. He has served on two national taskforces on parent education. He recently received a Distinguished Service Achievement Award from the North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) in recognition of his more than two decades of work in the Adlerian community. Jon Carlson, Psy.D., Ed.D., is Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Counseling at Governors State University, University Park, Illinois and a Psychologist with the Wellness Clinic in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. He has authored 35 books, 100 articles and produced over 200 vidoes/DVDs. Four of his books explore the area of consultation, some dating back to the early 1970s, and he has worked for 20 years as a school psychologist and counselor at the Woods School in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.

Consultation: Creating School-Based Interventions, 3rd Edition

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