The Learner-Centered Curriculum: Design and Implementation
Most of the scholarship on learner-centeredness is focused on individual classroom pedagogy, but this book takes learner-centeredness beyond the classroom and asks academic leaders to consider the broader implications of making their institutions fully learner-centered. Systemic change is needed, and curriculum is at the heart of what higher education does. To truly effect change, the curriculum needs to be examined and aligned with learner-centered practices. In this book the authors offer both design specifications for a learner-centered approach to curriculum as well as practical recommendations for implementation and assessment. The book covers the need for redesigning curriculum, curriculum design in the instructional paradigm, learner-centered design in practice, implementation, program assessment (including a helpful rubric for this), innovating through technology, and learning spaces that support learner-centered curricula.
Publication Date
San Francisco, CA
Higher Education, student centered
Curriculum and Instruction | Higher Education
Recommended Citation
Cullen, Roxanne; Harris, Michael; and Hill, Reihnhold R., "The Learner-Centered Curriculum: Design and Implementation" (2012). Faculty Bookshelf. 3.
Roxanne Cullen is a professor of English at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Michigan, where she has also acted as associate vice president for academic affairs.
Michael Harris is the chancellor of Indiana University-Kokomo. He and Roxanne Cullen coauthored Leading the Learner-Centered Campus: An Administrative Framework for Improving Student Learning Outcomes from Jossey-Bass.
Reinhold R. Hill is dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Governors State Universityin Illinois.