"Are We Thinking Straight? The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian a" by Daniel K. Cortese
Are We Thinking Straight?  The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian and Gay Social Movement

Are We Thinking Straight? The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian and Gay Social Movement



This book highlights the strategic deployment of a straight identity by an LGBT organization. Cortese explores the ways in which activists strategically use a "straight" identity as a social movement tool in order to successfully achieve the movement objectives. This book is based on his doctoral dissertation research at the University of Texas.



Publication Date





New York


LGBT, Social Movements, Gay Rights, Social Action, Organizational sociology


Gender and Sexuality | Politics and Social Change | Quantitative, Qualitative, Comparative, and Historical Methodologies | Sociology


Daniel K. Cortese is an Assistant Professor at Governors State University, where he conducts research on the social psychological and sociological processes of identity construction, and how organizations strategically shape collective identities through culture. As a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, he analyzed thousands of previously secret tobacco industry documents and tobacco industry-produced lifestyle magazines to detail the tobacco industry’s strategic use of identity in their marketing strategies to target young adults. Dr. Cortese’s research is published in Social Science & Medicine, Journal of Adolescent Health, and Men & Masculinities. (2006)

Dr. Cortese's faculty profile can be found at http://www.govst.edu/Site_Navigation/Contact/Directory/dcortese/

Are We Thinking Straight?  The Politics of Straightness in a Lesbian and Gay Social Movement
