The Faculty Senate meets the third Thursday of every month, 1 to 3 pm, usually in the McGee Hall of Honors.

Learn more about the Faculty Senate at Governors State University.

Senate Standing Committees
Faculty Senate committees meet monthly or twice a month; schedule varies. Contact the committee chair for schedule.

University Curriculum Committee
UCC recommends to the Provost Office the approval, modification, or rejection of all new courses and all changes to existing courses on a periodic basis. It also reviews proposed academic curricula on a periodic basis, including use of criteria on the scope, level, and sequence of work, internal and external evaluation, admission requirements, culminating experiences, and qualification of teaching Faculty.

Academic Program Review Committee (APRC)

Institutional Policy Committee (IPC)
The Institutional Policy Committee (IPC) of the University's Faculty Senate primary task is to receive, evaluate, and recommend proposals for new and revised policies expressly concerned with academic matters.
The IPC defines academic matters as including, but not limited to, curriculum development and delivery, admissions/readmission, student status, graduation requirements, general education, academic honesty, student conduct, honors program, graduate programs, faculty development and wellness, and research and scholarship.
The IPC shall also receive, evaluate, and recommend all proposals for amendments or deletions of existing University policies, academically related or not. In addition, the IPC shall serve in an advisory role to recommend new policies designed to serve the broader needs of the institution.


Browse the Faculty Senate Collections:

Faculty Senate Documents

Faculty Senate Minutes