OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Faculty Research Events: Nursing Education and the Emerging Artificial Intelligence



Start Date

22-3-2024 2:40 PM

End Date

22-3-2024 3:20 PM


The emerging artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming patient care across all domains of nursing practice, including administration, clinical care, education, policy, and research. Nursing researchers are exploring the potential influences of AI health technologies (AIHTs) on nursing in general and on nursing education more specifically. ChatGPT, a trending Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool developed by Open AI. The impact of ChatGPT on the nursing education is profound. The technological evolution in healthcare is advancing. The complexity of curricular revision can create challenges in the face of rapid practice change.

This PowerPoint presentation explains the meaning of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the history and milestones of AI, types of AI, specifically the Generative AI and ChatGPT. The ethical effects of AI in nursing education, research, and practice. Nurse educators must include the use of electronic health records (EHRs), wearable technologies, big data, and data analytics, and increased patient engagement as key areas for curriculum development in nursing academia. As AI continue to grow, it is vital for nursing educators and nursing leaders to engage in critically reflective dialogues and philosophical analyses of the implications, ethics, and potential drawbacks associated with the use AI in nursing contexts. By questioning, the AI-driven innovations, the evolving role of AI in nursing aligns with the values, principles, and goals traditionally shaping the profession, promoting holistic, person-centered, ethical healthcare outcomes. By not incorporating AI into nursing curriculum, we risk eroding the foundations that make nursing a unique and essential discipline.

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Nursing Commons


Mar 22nd, 2:40 PM Mar 22nd, 3:20 PM

Nursing Education and the Emerging Artificial Intelligence


The emerging artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming patient care across all domains of nursing practice, including administration, clinical care, education, policy, and research. Nursing researchers are exploring the potential influences of AI health technologies (AIHTs) on nursing in general and on nursing education more specifically. ChatGPT, a trending Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool developed by Open AI. The impact of ChatGPT on the nursing education is profound. The technological evolution in healthcare is advancing. The complexity of curricular revision can create challenges in the face of rapid practice change.

This PowerPoint presentation explains the meaning of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the history and milestones of AI, types of AI, specifically the Generative AI and ChatGPT. The ethical effects of AI in nursing education, research, and practice. Nurse educators must include the use of electronic health records (EHRs), wearable technologies, big data, and data analytics, and increased patient engagement as key areas for curriculum development in nursing academia. As AI continue to grow, it is vital for nursing educators and nursing leaders to engage in critically reflective dialogues and philosophical analyses of the implications, ethics, and potential drawbacks associated with the use AI in nursing contexts. By questioning, the AI-driven innovations, the evolving role of AI in nursing aligns with the values, principles, and goals traditionally shaping the profession, promoting holistic, person-centered, ethical healthcare outcomes. By not incorporating AI into nursing curriculum, we risk eroding the foundations that make nursing a unique and essential discipline.