OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Faculty Research Events: Going Off or Grubbing, When Surfing with AI

Going Off or Grubbing, When Surfing with AI

Presenter Information

June Zuo, Governors State University


Engbretson Hall

Start Date

22-3-2024 2:40 PM

End Date

22-3-2024 3:20 PM


This presentation is to explore the impact of ChatGPT on academia, addressing concerns and opportunities in education. It recognizes uncertainties and instructor challenges amid AI's transformative role. The presentation highlights real-life instances where ChatGPT serves as a collaborative tool, enhancing student confidence and fostering critical thinking. It emphasizes AI's alignment with traditional learning goals and the potential to propel educators and learners toward a future where AI complements human intellect without supplanting it.


Mar 22nd, 2:40 PM Mar 22nd, 3:20 PM

Going Off or Grubbing, When Surfing with AI

Engbretson Hall

This presentation is to explore the impact of ChatGPT on academia, addressing concerns and opportunities in education. It recognizes uncertainties and instructor challenges amid AI's transformative role. The presentation highlights real-life instances where ChatGPT serves as a collaborative tool, enhancing student confidence and fostering critical thinking. It emphasizes AI's alignment with traditional learning goals and the potential to propel educators and learners toward a future where AI complements human intellect without supplanting it.