"Governors State University Operating Plan - Fall 2020" by Office of the President

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As Illinois moves into Phase Four of the “Restore Illinois” Public Health Approach to Safely Reopen our State, Governors State University (the “University” or “GSU”) will begin to bring some of our students, faculty, and staff back onto campus. As we plan for a "new normal," we are prioritizing the health and safety of the GSU community while focusing on providing high-quality instruction and advising, no matter the delivery platform.

As we transition into the fall semester, campus activities will look different not only from fall semesters of years past, but also in some ways from what we have become accustomed to over the spring and summer of COVID-19 containment measures. We continue to learn from what has worked so far, and to consult the vast and varied expertise on our campus. The times are unprecedented, and the campus has drawn on its history of innovation and flexibility to construct the Fall Semester 2020 Operating Plan (the “Operating Plan”) with its models of working and learning that meet campus needs.

This Operating Plan represents the framework within which decisions will be made. It identifies needs that must be met for the campus to function safely. The sections of the document include embedded links to units of university operations; click on these links for details of current operational guidelines, sources of assistance, and enforcement measures in place. Given the fluid nature of the pandemic and the potential for changing guidance from local, state, and federal agencies, the University needs a clear, flexible framework within which decisions are made to meet campus needs. As such, this Operating Plan is subject to future revision.


The Fall Semester 2020 Operating Plan first edition was issued July 30, 2020. The September 9, 2020 version was posted to the University web site for the Fall 2020 semester.

President_memo_2020_07_30.pdf (116 kB)
President Green Memo re Fall 2020 Operation Plan July 30, 2020
