OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: Ashley Madison: Definition and Image Repair Theory

Ashley Madison: Definition and Image Repair Theory

Author/ Authors/ Presenter/ Presenters/ Panelists:

Stephanie Zwartz, Governors State UniversityFollow

Type of Presentation




Start Date

4-12-2019 9:35 AM

End Date

4-12-2019 10:05 AM

Other Presentation Disciplines:

Advertising and Public Relations


This paper delves into topics surrounding the August 18, 2015 massive data breach that occurred within the dating platform, Ashley Madison. This paper utilizes communicative themes from scholar David Zarefsky redefining cultural norms and image repair theory strategies from communications rhetor William Benoit. Ultimately, this paper argues that Ashley Madison, despite a massive public relations crisis, successfully restored their brand to its’ original greatness while challenging cultural norms in the process.

Faculty / Staff Sponsor

Dr. Lara Stache (lstache@govst.edu)

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Apr 12th, 9:35 AM Apr 12th, 10:05 AM

Ashley Madison: Definition and Image Repair Theory


This paper delves into topics surrounding the August 18, 2015 massive data breach that occurred within the dating platform, Ashley Madison. This paper utilizes communicative themes from scholar David Zarefsky redefining cultural norms and image repair theory strategies from communications rhetor William Benoit. Ultimately, this paper argues that Ashley Madison, despite a massive public relations crisis, successfully restored their brand to its’ original greatness while challenging cultural norms in the process.