OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: Breaking Down Common Core Math

Author/ Authors/ Presenter/ Presenters/ Panelists:

Dialah Azam, Governors State UniversityFollow

Type of Presentation




Start Date

4-12-2019 9:35 AM

End Date

4-12-2019 10:05 AM


Common Core has been at the very front of parent and teacher criticism alike for some time now. The reason there is such a gap between the excitement for a better way to teach and the utter confusion on specifically Common Core Math is the understanding of the rationale behind it. The aim of this research and presentation is to bridge that gap by introducing the background of why the math curriculum has changed, how to understand the new math strategies that have resulted from this change, and how to pass that understanding on to make math and Common Core, not a bad thing. Real-life examples, quotes from high profile criticism, and pictures of Common Core Math problems are used to help aid the understanding of this subject.

Faculty / Staff Sponsor

Judith Cunningham

Presentation File



Apr 12th, 9:35 AM Apr 12th, 10:05 AM

Breaking Down Common Core Math


Common Core has been at the very front of parent and teacher criticism alike for some time now. The reason there is such a gap between the excitement for a better way to teach and the utter confusion on specifically Common Core Math is the understanding of the rationale behind it. The aim of this research and presentation is to bridge that gap by introducing the background of why the math curriculum has changed, how to understand the new math strategies that have resulted from this change, and how to pass that understanding on to make math and Common Core, not a bad thing. Real-life examples, quotes from high profile criticism, and pictures of Common Core Math problems are used to help aid the understanding of this subject.


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