Research Days 2023 Poster Sessions
Uncovering Biblical Historicity
Type of Presentation
Poster Session
GSU Library
Start Date
3-31-2023 11:45 AM
End Date
3-31-2023 1:15 PM
Description of Program
Although many are acquainted with The Christian Bible, the average person knows less than one may expect. Given its high levels of societal influence and longevity, I will conduct a literature review of sources analyzing the historical accuracy of the New Testament Gospels.
The Christian Bible is a book that is known for representing religion and religious figures, sharing teachings that are commonly looked at as examples of what it means to be a morally good person. However, the Bible is more than just a book purporting an idea or two. The New Testament displays a narrative that is conveyed through verifiable ancient documents that are arguably stronger in backing than any other document of antiquity. In a literature review, I will conduct a literature review of sources that analyze the historical validity of the New Testament Gospels and supporting writings. By diving into these documents, we can decipher what is accurate about the Gospel writings and why it is accurate despite intense scrutiny through the evidence readily available to us today. I will be focusing on manuscript evidence of the New Testament Gospels. Reviewing the literature on manuscript evidence can help us understand how well the Gospels have been preserved, supporting its authenticity, and provide evidence for the writings within being reliable, dependable, or trustworthy. It can also help us think of future questions to explore as it pertains to the historical validity of the Gospel writings.
Uncovering Biblical Historicity
GSU Library
The Christian Bible is a book that is known for representing religion and religious figures, sharing teachings that are commonly looked at as examples of what it means to be a morally good person. However, the Bible is more than just a book purporting an idea or two. The New Testament displays a narrative that is conveyed through verifiable ancient documents that are arguably stronger in backing than any other document of antiquity. In a literature review, I will conduct a literature review of sources that analyze the historical validity of the New Testament Gospels and supporting writings. By diving into these documents, we can decipher what is accurate about the Gospel writings and why it is accurate despite intense scrutiny through the evidence readily available to us today. I will be focusing on manuscript evidence of the New Testament Gospels. Reviewing the literature on manuscript evidence can help us understand how well the Gospels have been preserved, supporting its authenticity, and provide evidence for the writings within being reliable, dependable, or trustworthy. It can also help us think of future questions to explore as it pertains to the historical validity of the Gospel writings.