Type of Presentation
Poster Session
University Library
Start Date
4-18-2024 11:45 AM
End Date
4-18-2024 1:15 PM
Parents impact their children’s attitudes on gender. To transform bias gender norms there must be gender responsive parenting. My research will go more in depth to describe how parents impact their children’s perspectives about gender, identity, and roles gender plays in society. Personally, I have always wondered about how the way I was parented influenced my opinions on how I choose to identify myself. Politics also have a greater impact on how children choose to identify regarding the LGBTQ+ community. This presentation explores the pros and cons regarding parents who enforce pre-defined gender roles and expectations versus parents who allow their children the freedom to make their own choices.
Presentation File
How do Parents Impact Their Children's Attitudes on Gender?
University Library
Parents impact their children’s attitudes on gender. To transform bias gender norms there must be gender responsive parenting. My research will go more in depth to describe how parents impact their children’s perspectives about gender, identity, and roles gender plays in society. Personally, I have always wondered about how the way I was parented influenced my opinions on how I choose to identify myself. Politics also have a greater impact on how children choose to identify regarding the LGBTQ+ community. This presentation explores the pros and cons regarding parents who enforce pre-defined gender roles and expectations versus parents who allow their children the freedom to make their own choices.