OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: The Journey of Competency Assessment of Master of Health Administration Students (MHA)

The Journey of Competency Assessment of Master of Health Administration Students (MHA)

Type of Presentation



University Library - D2401C

Start Date

4-17-2024 3:00 PM

End Date

4-17-2024 3:45 PM


One of the differences between competency assessment and student performance evaluation is that the competency assessment looks at whether the students have obtained the skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform the assigned work or duties. Students' performance evaluation looks at how well they perform in assignments such as on an exam. This research presents a shift from content learning and performance evaluation to competency-driven learning and assessment in an MHA program. To ensure the validity of our findings, we employed a rigorous case study approach, examining an MHA program's competency development and assessment journey that commenced in the fall of 2018. Our data collection was comprehensive, encompassing document reviews, meeting minutes, conversations, and interviews. The journey of the MHA accreditation embarked on a transformative path, starting with constructing a robust competency model. This journey, though gradual, has a profound impact on pedagogical practice and students' educational experience. The advent of competency-based education is heralding significant shifts in how health administration students are groomed for the healthcare management profession.

Presentation File


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Apr 17th, 3:00 PM Apr 17th, 3:45 PM

The Journey of Competency Assessment of Master of Health Administration Students (MHA)

University Library - D2401C

One of the differences between competency assessment and student performance evaluation is that the competency assessment looks at whether the students have obtained the skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform the assigned work or duties. Students' performance evaluation looks at how well they perform in assignments such as on an exam. This research presents a shift from content learning and performance evaluation to competency-driven learning and assessment in an MHA program. To ensure the validity of our findings, we employed a rigorous case study approach, examining an MHA program's competency development and assessment journey that commenced in the fall of 2018. Our data collection was comprehensive, encompassing document reviews, meeting minutes, conversations, and interviews. The journey of the MHA accreditation embarked on a transformative path, starting with constructing a robust competency model. This journey, though gradual, has a profound impact on pedagogical practice and students' educational experience. The advent of competency-based education is heralding significant shifts in how health administration students are groomed for the healthcare management profession.