OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: Interventions for Self-care as a Mental Health Practice in the Service Industry

Interventions for Self-care as a Mental Health Practice in the Service Industry

Author/ Authors/ Presenter/ Presenters/ Panelists:

Alaina Parsons, Governors State UniversityFollow

Type of Presentation

Poster Session


University Library

Start Date

4-17-2024 11:45 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:15 PM


The food and beverage service industry is a highly demanding one, requiring long hours of work in fast-paced environments, oftentimes punctuated with high-stress interactions for customer-facing employees. Though there are legal protections for worker’s rights, these are often overlooked or ignored in the United States. Due to the stress and demand of jobs in this field, self-care is often not prioritized. There is currently a large gap in the literature and research surrounding the implementation of self-care practices and the effects thereof. This research aims to use Participatory Action Research (PAR) methods to partner with a Midwestern service industry organization to gather local and community knowledge to co-develop a strategy for self-care intervention. This project is currently in the “look” phase of Stringer’s Critical Action Research model. The primary investigators have held stakeholder meetings to collaboratively explore the scope of the issue by holding interviews with participants from the population. Through this collaboration between investigators and stakeholders, a self-care intervention will be implemented, and the subsequent data will be collected and analyzed. Stringer, E., & Ortiz-Aragón, A. (2021). An Introduction to Action Research. In Action Research (5th ed., pp. 7–11). essay, SAGE Publications.

Identify Grant

This research was funded with a RAD Program Stipend.

Faculty / Staff Sponsor

Dr. Maria Valgo

Presentation File


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Apr 17th, 11:45 AM Apr 17th, 1:15 PM

Interventions for Self-care as a Mental Health Practice in the Service Industry

University Library

The food and beverage service industry is a highly demanding one, requiring long hours of work in fast-paced environments, oftentimes punctuated with high-stress interactions for customer-facing employees. Though there are legal protections for worker’s rights, these are often overlooked or ignored in the United States. Due to the stress and demand of jobs in this field, self-care is often not prioritized. There is currently a large gap in the literature and research surrounding the implementation of self-care practices and the effects thereof. This research aims to use Participatory Action Research (PAR) methods to partner with a Midwestern service industry organization to gather local and community knowledge to co-develop a strategy for self-care intervention. This project is currently in the “look” phase of Stringer’s Critical Action Research model. The primary investigators have held stakeholder meetings to collaboratively explore the scope of the issue by holding interviews with participants from the population. Through this collaboration between investigators and stakeholders, a self-care intervention will be implemented, and the subsequent data will be collected and analyzed. Stringer, E., & Ortiz-Aragón, A. (2021). An Introduction to Action Research. In Action Research (5th ed., pp. 7–11). essay, SAGE Publications.