OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship - Research Days: Mindfulness, Empathy and Ethnocultural Empathy

Mindfulness, Empathy and Ethnocultural Empathy

Type of Presentation

Poster Session


University Library

Start Date

4-17-2024 11:45 AM

End Date

4-17-2024 1:45 PM


In this study we will explore how mindfulness may have an effect on ethnocultural empathy through establishing equanimity and social curiosity. Studies have shown that racial discrimination and prejudice are not easily affected by education. Our hypothesis is that mindfulness when faced with cultural differences leads to empathy that allows people to connect with each other. When exposed to mindfulness practices, people will display overall greater levels of both equanimity and social curiosity which in turn will lead to greater levels of ethnocultural empathy.

Faculty / Staff Sponsor

Dr. Timothy Pedigo

Presentation File


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Apr 17th, 11:45 AM Apr 17th, 1:45 PM

Mindfulness, Empathy and Ethnocultural Empathy

University Library

In this study we will explore how mindfulness may have an effect on ethnocultural empathy through establishing equanimity and social curiosity. Studies have shown that racial discrimination and prejudice are not easily affected by education. Our hypothesis is that mindfulness when faced with cultural differences leads to empathy that allows people to connect with each other. When exposed to mindfulness practices, people will display overall greater levels of both equanimity and social curiosity which in turn will lead to greater levels of ethnocultural empathy.