Submit Your Research | OPUS is the scholarly repository of Governors State University, University Park, Illinois

Submit Your Research

Graduate Capstones and Theses
College of Arts and Sciences ETD submission form
College of Education ETD submission form
General guidelines and authorization forms can be found here:
Publishing your Manuscript to the Digital Repository
Please contact your program advisor for specific information regarding formatting and submission for your program.

Faculty Submissions
Current, former, and retired faculty can submit their research by contacting the repository staff at Preferred file extensions are .rtf, .doc, .docx, .pdf; other files may be posted in native format upon request.

Research Day Submissions
Research Day participants can use this form to submit their proposals
Publishing your Manuscript to the Digital Repository

To submit materials to other regional and archival collections, please contact the repository staff directly.

College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
College of Education
College of Health and Human Services
Faculty Work
Faculty Research and Creative Activity
Maimon Prize
Student Work
University Events, Conferences, and Workshops
Research Days
Research Events Gallery
Student Research Conference Proceedings
Substance Use Symposium for Health and Human Services Providers: Integrating Multidisciplinary Strategies
University Publications
Student Newspapers