"Examining the Mathematical Education Gaps during the Transition from M" by Theresa Graben

Publication Date

Fall 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

J. Christopher Tweddle

Second Advisor

Xiaobo She

Third Advisor

Jeff Noble


This research examines the transition from middle school to high school and the effects that this transition has on a student’s mathematical gains. PSAT 8/9 test scores and NWEA MAP scores were collected for a unified district and paired T hypothesis tests were utilized to examine the change in test scores throughout the transition from eighth grade to freshmen year. This data shows that overall, there was an increase in the mean score for each test from the end of eighth grade to the end of freshmen year and there was an increase in the number of students meeting the benchmark, however the percentage of students testing at grade level by the end of freshmen year is still significantly low.
