"The Impact of Students’ Attitudes After Implementing a Leadership Coll" by Robert J. Belin

Publication Date

Spring 2016

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



First Advisor

Dianna Galante, Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Chris Tweddle, Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Victor Akatsa, Ph.D.


This research paper explored students’ attitudes towards mathematics before and after the implementation of an experimental instructional method. The measurement tool that was used is the Mathematics Attitude Inventory for Students (ATMI). The experimental methodology implemented in the collegiate class is a leadership based cooperative learning model. Students were surveyed twice. The first installment of the ATMI was conducted prior to a mathematics unit that spanned three classes. The second installment of the ATMI survey was conducted after the unit was completed. Student surveys were assessed and determined if the experimental model had any impact of students’ attitudes towards mathematics.

The findings were unexpected. The students’ overall view of mathematics went down 0.34 of a 5-point Likert score from the pre and post surveys of the ATMI. However, three additional questions were added to the second installment of the ATMI survey and uncovered most students found the experimental cooperative leadership model beneficial.
