Flashback Fridays: Innovations in Education - When, Where, and Why GSU Began - Competency Based Education - GSU's Experimental Model of Learning Modules and Open Classroom Environment
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Copyright 2020, Governors State University. Permission granted for performance in whole or in part for individual and non-profit educational purposes only. Please contact us at opus@govst.edu for additional rights and permissions.
Production Date
GSU Anniversaries and Historical Documents
1 hour 44 minutes
Program Description
Professor Larry McClellan and Professor Carl Stover review GSU's innovations in education, the successes and failures of early innovations in GSU's open admission policy, learning modules, continuing enrollment, the trimester academic calendar, self directed learning, competency based assessments (there were no grades in the early years), and cyclical tenure for faculty, which brought national attention to the campus in its first decade.
Flashback Fridays, 50th Anniversary
Higher Education
Recommended Citation
50th Anniversary Committee, "Flashback Fridays: Innovations in Education - When, Where, and Why GSU Began - Competency Based Education - GSU's Experimental Model of Learning Modules and Open Classroom Environment" (2019). Video Gallery. 38.