Flashback Fridays: Technology at GSU - Evolution of Equipment and Mediated Education - GSU as an Early Adopter of Instructional Technologies
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Copyright 2020, Governors State University. Permission granted for performance in whole or in part for individual and non-profit educational purposes only. Please contact us at opus@govst.edu for additional rights and permissions.
Production Date
GSU Anniversaries and Historical Documents
1 hour 29 minutes
Program Description
Tony Labriola, Professor Emeritus, College of Arts and Sciences, presents a review of Governors State University's legacy of innovations in educational technology. A recorded interview with Mel Muchnik and Tony Labriola is shown, where they discuss this topic. Another video of clips from telecourses, satellite conferences, and the cable television program "Issues & Impact" with Dr. Leo Goodman Malamuth is shown. The program was held at Engbretson Hall on the GSU Campus. An audience discussion follows the presentation.
Telecourses, teleclasses, satellite video conference, SIM, self instructional modules, adult learning
Adult and Continuing Education | Educational Technology | Higher Education
Recommended Citation
50th Anniversary Committee, "Flashback Fridays: Technology at GSU - Evolution of Equipment and Mediated Education - GSU as an Early Adopter of Instructional Technologies" (2019). Video Gallery. 39.