"The Potential of Service-Learning: Media Advocacy as Community Organiz" by Mohammad Yazbek
The International Undergraduate Journal For Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change


For 16 weeks in a course on community organizing, I applied theory in practice through service-learning to maximize the capacity of La Casa Guadalupana, a nonprofit organization located in Southwest Detroit, Michigan, United States. Throughout the course, we learned the principles and fundamentals of service-learning and its implications in community organizing to achieve public health. The class was divided into smaller groups. Each group was assigned a specific project such as developing social media platforms, media production, health care workshops, tutoring, advocacy, and fundraising. My project was focused on media production, creating an echo in the community to attract contributors, community members, and elected public officials. All groups were sharing a common interest and we all worked together toward a common goal, empowering La Casa Guadalupana and its mission in improve the conditions of life of the Hispanic community members in Southwest Detroit. Education is the key element that is embedded in the core of its mission to enhance socioeconomic opportunities for the Hispanic community members.



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