Home > University Publications > Journals > The International Undergraduate Journal For Service-Learning, Leadership, and Social Change

Governors State University Open Portal to University Scholarship (OPUS) is pleased to publish the International Undergraduate Journal for Service Learning, Leadership, and Social Change (ISSN 2572-8903) beginning with Volume 6, Fall 2016. The journal ceased publication in Fall 2020 with Volume 10 Issue 1.
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Current Issue: Volume 10, Issue 1 (2020)
Table of Contents
Editor's Note
Reflections on Applied Social Enterprise Education: Using Weaver’s Social Enterprise Directory to Teach Social Entrepreneurship
Maimouna Mbacke, Kati Gallagher, and Rasheda L. Weaver
Urban Forest and the Tree Canopy: A Pathway to Climate Resilience
Ralph Moran, Turner Allison, Brandi Bell, Eric Brown, Monet Dews, Sheena Foster, Lydia Kidane, Zachary Olukani, Tivon Phillips, Llaquelin Reyes-Mendez, Natasha Roy, Lilla Schottner, Kenneth Stancell, Jaheen Watson, and Tiesha Wright
The Potential of Service-Learning: Media Advocacy as Community Organizing with La Casa Guadalupana
Mohammad Yazbek
Preparing for a New Kind of Transition: Time to Cultivate Both Resiliency and Care
Mary Elisabeth Cochran