"Examining the Blockchain: An Overview of the Past and Future of the Fi" by James R. Hallberg

Examining the Blockchain: An Overview of the Past and Future of the Financial Field

Publication Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science


Computer Science


As of April 2019, there are over 2100 different crypto-currencies offered for trading on coinmarketcap.com. As this section of the financial market grows, the amount of attention it deserves grows as well. However, there are simply the most obvious use of blockchain technologies; which are one of the newest innovations in data management. This technology will have a great effect on the financial sector in the near future. To gain the best view of both how this technology is developing, as well as where it will grow in the future this paper will investigate the history of the financial field at large, and the history as well as the application of this innovation in the modern economy. By seeking out how the modern finance sector developed, as well as how crypto-currencies are the blockchains they are based on interface with it; the path of possible development can be best examined. With all this information, the near future and eventual fate of this technology can be forecast.


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