"Teacher and Student Perspectives of Online and Blended Learning" by Alina M. Garcia

Teacher and Student Perspectives of Online and Blended Learning

Publication Date


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science




Online and blended learning have quickly become the norm for teachers across the country, with many schools partaking in some application of each delivery method during the global pandemic in 2020. With minimal notice, teachers have had to change their course of instruction to adapt to the new learning style. With online and blended learning, teachers are faced with the task of reinventing previous practices to maintain the rigor of the course. This paper will investigate the challenges educators face to create an online or blended course, as well as the student learning outcomes of these approaches in comparison to traditional face-to-face instruction. This new approach to learning is also an adjustment for students. This paper will examine students’ perceptions to these methods of delivery.


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