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Research indicates that post-resettlement experiences can be particularly challenging for people with refugee status. Despite finding safety in and adjusting to their new home, former refugees have indicated that this time can be stressful and even traumatic. The current Syrian crisis has created the largest wave of refugees ever known, and Syrian women are amongst the most vulnerable. However, women’s needs and preferences are often not taken into consideration during the resettlement journey and when they are, there is no distinction between mothers and their childless counterparts. As social workers strive to empower the individual person within their environment, it is beneficial to understand the perspectives and preferences of Syrian mothers with refugee status regarding their post-resettlement experience. This qualitative study provides insight into factors affecting two Syrian mothers post-resettlement and triangulates the perspectives of these women with those of local resettlement workers and state agency workers to understand similarities and differences in their views. The outcomes provide overarching themes and recommendations for change in both policy and practice from the participants responses, as well as implications for future research.
